the huge question which hunts me at the moment -> on what part i should work today.
here some points i want to implement soon, some are important for the release at june, some arnt:
- depthmap related collision system (only runs on the gpu)
- sound
- particlesystems (cpu based ones and gpu ones)
- webcl ( which could be used for the rudimentary physic implementation, either particles, and everything else which could be good for multiprocessing.) but therefor you have to download something. due this point, im not so happy with.
- maya model exporter
- LSD model pipeline
- input devices
and tons of other stuff...
oh and id forgot about an very necessary part, the unliked process to write an documentation for. but this point is at the moment senseless. as far LSD isnt settled and fixated in all the pipelines and how to use it, it wouldnt make any sense to start with that point.
so, it could happen -> a release with an unready documentation.
hmpf, seems there so many points which needs to be done. but im going to focus on the game and release related things, such as sound, input devices, particlesystems...
so stay tuned..