hi to my readers from russia :-) welcome to this journey :-)
Добро пожаловать в мой блог
stay tuned..
Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2013
about the future garden:
only slaves makes the master. but there is a huge gen defect inside of peoples, something like a slave gen. which controls the suckers minds, which makes them to follow someone. this slave gen was the point why something like the nazis and shit could appear.
i was asking myself that often, who was the sucker, hitler or the peoples which have done him?! which followed and supported this shit! of course boths, but was it the failure of the asshole hitler? he was only a asshole!
but its very interesting to watch the humans and do observe this defect. if you watch for example the black peoples, oh they dont have this defect in mass maybe only 10% of them wear this defect inside. they got very quick off of this slave human beeing. but if you watch the trash gens of the white peoples, you can observe this defect at over 90% of all peoples.
thats why i am (papa god) judged about the future and this up coming future garden. its a must have for the human nature to get rid of this slave gens, to shrink the possibility of this pre human shit. to cut all this lines of shit! and those peoples will be harmless as plants. as long you dont eat them fruits! ;-)
but at first, the big shit will appear and afterwards the humis will understand what ive said and will understand this way to harmony.
stay tuned..
only slaves makes the master. but there is a huge gen defect inside of peoples, something like a slave gen. which controls the suckers minds, which makes them to follow someone. this slave gen was the point why something like the nazis and shit could appear.
i was asking myself that often, who was the sucker, hitler or the peoples which have done him?! which followed and supported this shit! of course boths, but was it the failure of the asshole hitler? he was only a asshole!
but its very interesting to watch the humans and do observe this defect. if you watch for example the black peoples, oh they dont have this defect in mass maybe only 10% of them wear this defect inside. they got very quick off of this slave human beeing. but if you watch the trash gens of the white peoples, you can observe this defect at over 90% of all peoples.
thats why i am (papa god) judged about the future and this up coming future garden. its a must have for the human nature to get rid of this slave gens, to shrink the possibility of this pre human shit. to cut all this lines of shit! and those peoples will be harmless as plants. as long you dont eat them fruits! ;-)
but at first, the big shit will appear and afterwards the humis will understand what ive said and will understand this way to harmony.
stay tuned..
Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2013
so some updates:
- bug fixing
oh apropos bugs, its so funny to watch into the bug monkies brains.
what will be the plan of the monkies? of course to mix up some thing. its the ordinary acting of the monkies.
the bug roger thing will follow. :-) what is kung fu? of course to use the enemies energy against them selfs.
oh and my skills in art will help me alot by the final kung fun :-)
and google is a kind of an holy grail, they already posted tons of their photos in the net.
so then smiley eriworm schmiert... :-) where are you good in, instead of smiling?
stay tuned..
- bug fixing
oh apropos bugs, its so funny to watch into the bug monkies brains.
what will be the plan of the monkies? of course to mix up some thing. its the ordinary acting of the monkies.
the bug roger thing will follow. :-) what is kung fu? of course to use the enemies energy against them selfs.
oh and my skills in art will help me alot by the final kung fun :-)
and google is a kind of an holy grail, they already posted tons of their photos in the net.
so then smiley eriworm schmiert... :-) where are you good in, instead of smiling?
stay tuned..
Dienstag, 29. Januar 2013
the final judge infront the big fuck:
im so sure that it is possible to stear the evolution. im sure its possible to reduce the human back to plants!
of course thats an long way of breeding processes.
im such against death penalties, so my final judge will be this:
after the big fuck, we going to observe all the families which was involved and supported the big fuck. then we going to press this lines of shit finally out of this planet. not by killing them, just by playing with the evolution. we will found out of this shit a nice garden, maybe a poison garden, i dont know what we will reach through. but the judge is done and the fuckers kids will become to plants in future.
of course this stay in conflict with the experiment of ludwig the 14th , about this seperated childs. but we will know, how to hold the alive.
btw. im just speaking only for my person, if im saying we (in this case) -> means the peoples which never supported the shit. and which was pointing out the shit.
stay tuned..
im so sure that it is possible to stear the evolution. im sure its possible to reduce the human back to plants!
of course thats an long way of breeding processes.
im such against death penalties, so my final judge will be this:
after the big fuck, we going to observe all the families which was involved and supported the big fuck. then we going to press this lines of shit finally out of this planet. not by killing them, just by playing with the evolution. we will found out of this shit a nice garden, maybe a poison garden, i dont know what we will reach through. but the judge is done and the fuckers kids will become to plants in future.
of course this stay in conflict with the experiment of ludwig the 14th , about this seperated childs. but we will know, how to hold the alive.
btw. im just speaking only for my person, if im saying we (in this case) -> means the peoples which never supported the shit. and which was pointing out the shit.
stay tuned..
nachdem ich gerade einen zeitungs bericht, zgl der rechten szene in österreich lesen durfte. stellte ich mir die frage, wie weit rechts wurde die linke österreichs verrückt?
für österreich trifft zu: eine mitte und eine dominate rechte, eine linke und mitte links - obwohl von einzelnen subjektiv als links und mitte links wahrgenommen, würde in relation in den 70gern weit rechts angesiedelt werden - existiert in österreich nicht.
wahrscheinlich haben wir es hier mit einem ähnlichen phänomen zu tun, wie die gut bekannte frosch kochtopf story.
ein weiterer interessanter fakt ist:
der unmittelbare und nicht abwendbare tod führt oft zu religösen sichtweisen.
die weiter entfernte trostlosigkeit/planlosigkeit (in politik und wirtschaft) führt zu einer verschiebung gegen rechts, des rechts links spektrums der politik und wirtschaft.
und ja die stasi existiert schon wieder, diese formiert sich gerade, in postämtern, auf behörden, bei taxlern, beim ams, bei der polizei, in krankenhäusern...
ich denke nicht, dass sich dieses spiel aufhalten lässt. somit empfehle ich, österreich und wahrscheinlich ganz europa zu verlassen. obwohl...
es ist absolut verantwortungslos, seinen geist in ein system einzubringen, dessen zukunft deutlich ablesbar ist.
man kann den rechtruck stoppen, in dem man jegliches geistiges potential diesen ländern nimmt. somit heissts jetzt auswandern. ich empfehle eine weit abgelegene insel. europa wird sich erst in etwa 100 jahren wieder betretten lassen. jetzt heisst mal, abwarten und wegschaun.
und bzgl. wirtschaft und eigenes: mich amüsiert es immer wieder unglaublich, wenn man so sternchen anschaut, wie etwa nicole kidman und der gleichen, die absolut zum scheiszen zbled san, aber sich als produzent und filme macher einbringen möchten. nein liebe stars, ihr seits stars und keine produzenten. auch wenn es ausnahmen gab gibt, doch a nicole kidman gehört nicht zu diesen ausnahmen! diese oide schreckschrauben soll sich in pension begeben! AMEN
an was liegt es wohl, wieso hollywood nur vereinzelt es noch schaft, halbwegs gute filme zu produzieren?
1. es fehlt anscheinend an geschichten, obwohl ich täglich einfälle zu tollen geschichten hab und ich mit sicherheit nicht der einzige derart bin.
2. wahrscheinlich ein sekten haften auftretten, ein einfaches pyramiden spiel. auch wenn es bedeutet scheisze zu produzieren, die pyramide ermöglicht das.
3. zuviel einfluss der stars auf hollywood. und man musz das etwas relativieren, natürlich könnten stars einfluss nehmen, wenn es eine verbesserung der qualität mit sich bringen würde, nur leider ist die realität ein hund, und man kann eindeutig ein abschwächen der qualität in jeglicher richtung verzeichnen. somit NEIN!
was hatte mir verganges jahr holywood geliefert: der hobbit? man könnte vor lachen am boden rollen, doch ist so etwas ernster als man nur annehmen könnte. schon allein das budget sollte hinweis genug sein, dass es sich hierbei um kein kasperl theater handelt obwohl es den anschein hat.
wir werden mit schwachsinn zugeknallt - was ist die idee dahinter? vielleicht der frosch kochtopf?! wobei hollywood so einen art valium darstellt, damit der frosch die hitze nicht vernimmt.
eigentlich sollte man über diese thematik einen film machen. wie die politik und wirtschaft sich langsam beim seichten intellekt der schauspieler und stars einschleichen konnte um ihre interessen in die medien zu bringen.
um eine flächen deckende ruhig stellung der bevölkerung zu ermöglichen.
stay tuned..
für österreich trifft zu: eine mitte und eine dominate rechte, eine linke und mitte links - obwohl von einzelnen subjektiv als links und mitte links wahrgenommen, würde in relation in den 70gern weit rechts angesiedelt werden - existiert in österreich nicht.
wahrscheinlich haben wir es hier mit einem ähnlichen phänomen zu tun, wie die gut bekannte frosch kochtopf story.
ein weiterer interessanter fakt ist:
der unmittelbare und nicht abwendbare tod führt oft zu religösen sichtweisen.
die weiter entfernte trostlosigkeit/planlosigkeit (in politik und wirtschaft) führt zu einer verschiebung gegen rechts, des rechts links spektrums der politik und wirtschaft.
und ja die stasi existiert schon wieder, diese formiert sich gerade, in postämtern, auf behörden, bei taxlern, beim ams, bei der polizei, in krankenhäusern...
ich denke nicht, dass sich dieses spiel aufhalten lässt. somit empfehle ich, österreich und wahrscheinlich ganz europa zu verlassen. obwohl...
es ist absolut verantwortungslos, seinen geist in ein system einzubringen, dessen zukunft deutlich ablesbar ist.
man kann den rechtruck stoppen, in dem man jegliches geistiges potential diesen ländern nimmt. somit heissts jetzt auswandern. ich empfehle eine weit abgelegene insel. europa wird sich erst in etwa 100 jahren wieder betretten lassen. jetzt heisst mal, abwarten und wegschaun.
und bzgl. wirtschaft und eigenes: mich amüsiert es immer wieder unglaublich, wenn man so sternchen anschaut, wie etwa nicole kidman und der gleichen, die absolut zum scheiszen zbled san, aber sich als produzent und filme macher einbringen möchten. nein liebe stars, ihr seits stars und keine produzenten. auch wenn es ausnahmen gab gibt, doch a nicole kidman gehört nicht zu diesen ausnahmen! diese oide schreckschrauben soll sich in pension begeben! AMEN
an was liegt es wohl, wieso hollywood nur vereinzelt es noch schaft, halbwegs gute filme zu produzieren?
1. es fehlt anscheinend an geschichten, obwohl ich täglich einfälle zu tollen geschichten hab und ich mit sicherheit nicht der einzige derart bin.
2. wahrscheinlich ein sekten haften auftretten, ein einfaches pyramiden spiel. auch wenn es bedeutet scheisze zu produzieren, die pyramide ermöglicht das.
3. zuviel einfluss der stars auf hollywood. und man musz das etwas relativieren, natürlich könnten stars einfluss nehmen, wenn es eine verbesserung der qualität mit sich bringen würde, nur leider ist die realität ein hund, und man kann eindeutig ein abschwächen der qualität in jeglicher richtung verzeichnen. somit NEIN!
was hatte mir verganges jahr holywood geliefert: der hobbit? man könnte vor lachen am boden rollen, doch ist so etwas ernster als man nur annehmen könnte. schon allein das budget sollte hinweis genug sein, dass es sich hierbei um kein kasperl theater handelt obwohl es den anschein hat.
wir werden mit schwachsinn zugeknallt - was ist die idee dahinter? vielleicht der frosch kochtopf?! wobei hollywood so einen art valium darstellt, damit der frosch die hitze nicht vernimmt.
eigentlich sollte man über diese thematik einen film machen. wie die politik und wirtschaft sich langsam beim seichten intellekt der schauspieler und stars einschleichen konnte um ihre interessen in die medien zu bringen.
um eine flächen deckende ruhig stellung der bevölkerung zu ermöglichen.
stay tuned..
Freitag, 25. Januar 2013
Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2013
Samstag, 19. Januar 2013
your mission:
build different loop, such as a primitive linear counter , a expo. counter, a flipping between 1.00 and 3.99 :D
in overall you got now everything what you need to build your own computer systems ;-)
in combination in future with RASPBERRY PI and LSD "what was before? of course the flash." you will be able such as myself. to build your own systems. and you will be able to test your idea before you going to realize it. this new kind of LEGO makes it possible in the closer future to build everything what you need as electronic goodies, like tablets, phones, your own interactive adventure, till you will be possible to plan your hardware with LSD "what was before? of course the flash."
so your mission is to your loop what you had created before. to rotate the cube over its own axis.
here that is the way ive done it: :D
stay tuned..
build different loop, such as a primitive linear counter , a expo. counter, a flipping between 1.00 and 3.99 :D
in overall you got now everything what you need to build your own computer systems ;-)
in combination in future with RASPBERRY PI and LSD "what was before? of course the flash." you will be able such as myself. to build your own systems. and you will be able to test your idea before you going to realize it. this new kind of LEGO makes it possible in the closer future to build everything what you need as electronic goodies, like tablets, phones, your own interactive adventure, till you will be possible to plan your hardware with LSD "what was before? of course the flash."
so your mission is to your loop what you had created before. to rotate the cube over its own axis.
here that is the way ive done it: :D
stay tuned..
so im still working on my vdp - visual direct programming
of course i do know some parts are very rushed and i will redo some parts by using a more devloped through the first walk (evolution) way. but the system will stay at this it will be about visual direct programming. im working either on an concept to make this language (signs and patterns (the higher developed way in communication - possible with "LSD what was before? of course the flash!" (tm)) on your data highway) more object oriented. as while im using just a array structure it would be possible with.
if one link isnt working (for any reason) try the other one.
stay tuned...
the screenshot bleow dispalys how the set the link for displaying example a cupe or a cake.
of course i do know some parts are very rushed and i will redo some parts by using a more devloped through the first walk (evolution) way. but the system will stay at this it will be about visual direct programming. im working either on an concept to make this language (signs and patterns (the higher developed way in communication - possible with "LSD what was before? of course the flash!" (tm)) on your data highway) more object oriented. as while im using just a array structure it would be possible with.
if one link isnt working (for any reason) try the other one.
stay tuned...
Montag, 14. Januar 2013
after all the social impressions i talked about in the last few days. im choosing the way back to the maintopic : the candy machine. or bettern known as LSD. ;-) and of course your journey the labyrinth.
some points which needs to be improved at the visual programming linking system at LSD:
- the line drawing (its highly performance consuming to create on the fly in java script geometry)
- delete links
- saving data
- the design
and tons of other points which comes along by working on the points from above.
stay tuned...
some points which needs to be improved at the visual programming linking system at LSD:
- the line drawing (its highly performance consuming to create on the fly in java script geometry)
- delete links
- saving data
- the design
and tons of other points which comes along by working on the points from above.
stay tuned...
Sonntag, 13. Januar 2013
religion is the first step or sign about an mental error. anyway which religion you watch all leads to the same!
trust in you, but dont build something above you!
there is none "good" religion! i do know peoples which are choosing the best of all the evils and mostly they try to find something in the buddhism. its all the similar shit. and if you abstract the meaning of an terror camp, you either find those at the buddhism. all of those brainwashing mechanism leads to the same, disharmony and less of respect about the present and less of responsibility! AMEN ;-)
im not against those childs which are way of the reality, but im against all the shit which is coming through religion. all the religions was founded at one fact, the fact of paranoid schizophrenia! all gods are founded through this sickness. oh and it was already highly entertaining the peoples, you need just to watch the most ad absurd ideas which like the old greeks builded. they builded in their fears an entire nearly working universe around their gods.
and either are those peoples which needs the idea about god, been slaves! and those peoples scares me, those peoples supported shit like rom empire was, or the nazis and stuff... be yourself, trust in you, but never support or build something above you. take the responsibility for your acting and enjoy an good surf in the reality!
trust in you, but dont build something above you!
there is none "good" religion! i do know peoples which are choosing the best of all the evils and mostly they try to find something in the buddhism. its all the similar shit. and if you abstract the meaning of an terror camp, you either find those at the buddhism. all of those brainwashing mechanism leads to the same, disharmony and less of respect about the present and less of responsibility! AMEN ;-)
im not against those childs which are way of the reality, but im against all the shit which is coming through religion. all the religions was founded at one fact, the fact of paranoid schizophrenia! all gods are founded through this sickness. oh and it was already highly entertaining the peoples, you need just to watch the most ad absurd ideas which like the old greeks builded. they builded in their fears an entire nearly working universe around their gods.
and either are those peoples which needs the idea about god, been slaves! and those peoples scares me, those peoples supported shit like rom empire was, or the nazis and stuff... be yourself, trust in you, but never support or build something above you. take the responsibility for your acting and enjoy an good surf in the reality!
Samstag, 12. Januar 2013
ok like you want. here the future:
- this time it wont work for peoples which first support the future nazi shit and afterwards they are been such sorry by saying: oh the system have used them. we are now infornt this nazi shit and still there is none SS pressure.
- we wont forgive in future! if you act you have to face the consequences for!
- everyone which have to die through the nazi shit, will have the weight of tousands!
- all the family members of the nazi shit supporters will be judged like the supporters itself. like the nazi shit supporters either killed innocent peoples.
i hope that helps!!! i cant do more like im putting them the knife on! its now just the matter of intellect. of course its wrong to call this nazi. but you know what i mean with.
stay tuned..
- this time it wont work for peoples which first support the future nazi shit and afterwards they are been such sorry by saying: oh the system have used them. we are now infornt this nazi shit and still there is none SS pressure.
- we wont forgive in future! if you act you have to face the consequences for!
- everyone which have to die through the nazi shit, will have the weight of tousands!
- all the family members of the nazi shit supporters will be judged like the supporters itself. like the nazi shit supporters either killed innocent peoples.
i hope that helps!!! i cant do more like im putting them the knife on! its now just the matter of intellect. of course its wrong to call this nazi. but you know what i mean with.
stay tuned..
Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2013
und woi am peinlichsten in dieser gonzen misere san die stiefelleckenden am stock gehenden don chisciotte´n der konzerne. die zwor nitmoi wos mit den konzernen am huat hom, oder nur so lächerlich gering, dennoch stehn diese ihre gonze mannes stärke für die konzerne ein. und so behindert wias san, schauns mich aus übel on! und ich müszte bekämpft wern. nur ihr trotteln. ihr hobts ka chance gegen diese windmühlen! auch wenn die mühlsteine schon fast defekt san und das korn nurnoch grob zermahlen wird und monche dieser mühlsteine sogar schon für die konzerne mahlen, wird sich das blatt nicht wenden. und des brott wos wir damit bocken schmeckt afoch besser ois a multipock an semmeln von eich. und der menschn wird weiter aufwachen und die wirtschaft wird auch diesen kurs der freiheit einzuschlagen wissen, somit ists nur no a froge der zeit, wahrscheinlich von minuten bis das schasz verschwind und mit denen auch die stiefelleckenden am stockgehenden don chisciotte der konzerne.
AMEN ;-)
AMEN ;-)
Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2013
thats dart ,very retard :-)
thats dart ,very retard :-)
a other very amusing topic is for sure the computer industry. there is a company, a very strange one called yahoo. lol either the name brings me to laugh. those are the retards in the business of computers next to microsoft and boths are hunting for the greatest retard mark in history.
watch this, this underlines the statement from above :-)
its the antibot check which is using yahoo at the reversi board. not just, that yahoo dont know the alphabet, example the Q letter is missing. im trying to find the Q letter since years and either its the way how yahoo is trying to fuck some peoples with very subtile messages through this antibot check. but now thats for sure the retard crown. look at this:
is there someone painting the letters by hand?
please shit crap idiots (yahoo, microsoft), get off of computers!!!
stay tuned..
watch this, this underlines the statement from above :-)
its the antibot check which is using yahoo at the reversi board. not just, that yahoo dont know the alphabet, example the Q letter is missing. im trying to find the Q letter since years and either its the way how yahoo is trying to fuck some peoples with very subtile messages through this antibot check. but now thats for sure the retard crown. look at this:
is there someone painting the letters by hand?
please shit crap idiots (yahoo, microsoft), get off of computers!!!
stay tuned..
in the past i was asking myself. why doesnt make the science any step infront (everything which declarate as new is an old an very old dog)? if you read or watch the second part about the space odyssey you get the answer on the beginning of this book.
the science become to an detergence. how i do love this real genuis godish sarcasmn :D
of course there are some gods and for sure arthur and stanley was real gods!!!
the science become to an detergence. how i do love this real genuis godish sarcasmn :D
of course there are some gods and for sure arthur and stanley was real gods!!!
wow now i got readers from france too. :-)
im sorry i do need an translator for this: bienvenue sur mon blog
so welcome peoples from the usa, germany, france, taiwan, italy, england to this blog and LSD :-)
time is such an relative issue, so first was the flash and now its time for LSD. its a similar question like, what was first the chicken or the egg. how its possible to get high infront you are using a drug? ;-) its just existing and there is no reason for bring this into a chronology. OH MY GOD, ITS FULL OF STARS
time is such an relative issue, so first was the flash and now its time for LSD. its a similar question like, what was first the chicken or the egg. how its possible to get high infront you are using a drug? ;-) its just existing and there is no reason for bring this into a chronology. OH MY GOD, ITS FULL OF STARS
Dienstag, 8. Januar 2013
so the visual linking programming works.
of course, please dont mind the graphics at the moment.
this implementation was highly important, without i would be lost by creating the labyrinth.
so the plan is, to bring the linking system that far in the next few days that i can continue to work on the labyrinth.
stay tuned...
of course, please dont mind the graphics at the moment.
this implementation was highly important, without i would be lost by creating the labyrinth.
so the plan is, to bring the linking system that far in the next few days that i can continue to work on the labyrinth.
stay tuned...
Samstag, 5. Januar 2013
here the first impressions about the linking system:
stay tuned...
stay tuned...
while this picker thingi wont work like it should, i changed my plan and id began with some other things (in general it works, but..). its often better to get a bit on distance to an problem to reach different ideas to solve the problem, than to stay frustrated infront.
some updates:
- improved matrices updates (for some performance reasons)
- rough: the fundament of an visual linking system
stay tuned..
some updates:
- improved matrices updates (for some performance reasons)
- rough: the fundament of an visual linking system
stay tuned..
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