Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2012

if you watch the movie tron, the first part. there is this moment a short time before flynn troughs his disk into the mcps heart, that the mcp spends his entire energy into sarg. but as wrong a movie can be, sarg got now the size of a thumb. means everything which jarg can do, can be done by kids in their garage. and actually this fact, is the reason why we dont have to support something such meanless like huge companies are. you can for sure imagin how many money in huge companies get flammed for nothing. im sayin 70% of microsoft, yahoo, apple, google is only getting paid that in the abstracted sense only that peoples get toilete paper on the toilete. if the poo is their product ;-) means lawyers, buisness angels, 90% of all managers. thats an huge amount of money and now try to imagin who have to pay for that ;-) YOU!

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