Dienstag, 19. März 2019

ich bitte zum letzten mal die vereinigten staaten um militärisch unterstützung. ansonst muss ich ihnen mithilfe in punkto, folter, verfolgung, entwertung, und vernichtung wie auch entsorung anlasten.

und zwar bis zum ende dieser woche.

due the fact about an historical criminal impact here in austria, i do ask for the last time sincerely the usa about military support.

kill them till the end of this week.instead the usa becomes involved into this well known pattern of most intensive crime ever.

its for sure not a game!

there is no option.

if you are sorry for your friends, choose better friends.

you know that the entire thing is not over soon. and i guess you are playing the wrong cards. if you dont support me, you going to loose everything.

of course i can imagin, there is such a power which holds you off. kill them too.

this act of crime allows everything. and it can only be handled through big weapons. its not you have to fear such big weapons against you, but you have to use them. its only for big weapons.

really you going to loose your identity, your history, your respect, your power, everything. and the entire usa will break up in its states.

its not there could be a gobal world soon. when i was a kid it was possible to travel nearly into every country of this planet. you had only to do some health things. but now everything changed.

to bring this world back will take ages! or a world war. a world war is not to recommend through the weapons we got now. it could traumatize the human species for ever.

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