Dienstag, 8. März 2016

und schon wurde ich wieder einmal fündig. die armen frauen welche ihr wäsche am flusz bewacht unter der fahne waschen müszen.

nur ein sonnensymbol? aber nur von der daraus entstehenden hitze her.

das produkt der us demokraten besser bekannt unter nsdap.

will noch jemand nach den zielen fragen?

und ich kann es schon mit sicherheit beantworten -> das scheitern ist gewiss!

bitte usa wählt trump!

von den anderen ist eine "raffinierte" welt vernichtung zu erwarten!

trump verfolgt meines erachtens nur einen plan -> die usa wirtschaftlich zu china zu machen. andere ziele hat er keine!

obwohl die restliche us regierung andere, für sie wichtigere (bedeutsamere) ziele im visier hat. (die dummheit pur)

und darum wollen sie ihn nicht, da er da anscheinend nicht mit spielt.

kann natürlich auch sein, dass das nur ein spiel ist. und er in wahrheit am selben strang dann zieht. was ich aber nicht glaub und hoffe.

und womöglich versucht man seine vorhaben auch für deren ziele zu nutzen. denn eine wirtschaftlich stabile usa wäre dann in der lage das hackenkreuz 10000 * 10000 meter grosz zu präsentieren.

egal wie ichs dreh es wird verdamm grausam unter umständen für die folgenden generationen werden.

anyway, i do believe if the usa works well the rest of the world is going to be well. and remind on the old developed values from the 50 - 80. the weakest and most dangerous column of the society is structured education. from the 80 till now you have followed the path of education, the education growed the society failed.

one failed product:
through education you cant filter between talents and trained ones.

only extra ordinary peoples have a positiv impact to the society. and not industrialized ones.

you got something like you are moving in the dark and have no clue about the direction anymore. althought you are hating me, you are addicted to me or to peoples like me, and the reason -> that i was choosing the more clever way. the working way.

if you going to destroy me, you going to destroy your light.

my path, the absolut path i had liked to choose wouldnt have cost that much like it had. i really had loved to not walk to school. and i would be also possible to write a well looking (photo realistic) fluid system in such younger years than i had to face it now. now i am nearly 40 on the other way i had written something like this in the early 20. and it hadnt cost that much for the society. and the most important thing i had to be autonom -> means happy.

of course there some peoples which makes it happy to get educated, for those special ones should stay a school or other indoctration machines. but it should be free to go there or not and this choosen by the childrens and not the parents.

they should be asked after one base year of school.

whats the fear? that people forget about how to divide by hand? at this amount of peoples i really cant imagin that this can be forgotten! and if 80% forget about this, it shouldnt worry anyone. if something isnt important its regular that a knowledge starts to dispear. now some peoples are wondering how the pyramids got builded, this knowledge disappeard for example like myriads of other ones. so dont worry, some peoples will remind as long its important how to divide by hand. as long the humans builds computers as long this knowledge will stay. and as long its not important for the average sepp to know how to divide by hand.

and in the worst case of ever, means everything breaks, peoples will recognize again how to divide by hand.

so what you want, to learn that it is possible to learn everything again, means to vote for the end of society (the democrates) or to learn also a mental and knowledge evolution exist and somethings from the past arnt important anymore in the present?

why you dont want to make everyone happy relativ to the present feelings, its possible, also this shows me the existing of the pyramids.

oh and btw. i figured that out in my early 20 that the great pyramids cant be build by slaves which is now the most accepted theory.

is your fear if everyone is happy you going to lose your special happiness?
and does the food tastes better if some peoples suffer through food?
you got an erection about the health care, that why you know its something special?

those 3 columns are the weapons of the crossed flags.

about education, sorry i messed something about, this way which we have now was also existing while the nsdap exists.

down with this machine and up with the society.

and then they are going to eat snails and ocean insects like shrimps and do think thats something good!

the theory says you are eating to nearly 80% through your eyes. seems some peoples got bad eyes. there is this column two dominating!

start to talk about your fears infront you going to vote for the crossed flag. some fears are fictions.

on this way you can reach control about your fears and not by operated through a party.

and the shrimps and snails could reach their real values.

good food will ever looks and tastes good and dosnt need a suffering for.

what some peoples calls smart, i do call amazing silly. who will be right? lol

its shocking how the press is bought and brainwashed by the nsdap. the global working one. leads directly to the question how can a democraty be working? and also it leads to the question of duty.

i do mean its not possible to give only a couple of peoples the red card.there many operator behind this machine.

the only thing which impress me is the complexity of those machines. and how those machines are programming the operators. they not knowing it that they are brainwashed.

heureka! i solved it -> smart means brainwashed.

china got a positive impact if trump becomes to the usa. first off china stands way better at the moment, they got all infra structures and knowledge. means they are on the better position. now china have to bring way less of energy into this race to stay a head infront than the usa have to bring. boths will learn from each other, china that the lifestyle and mental directions also the individual worth of the usa helps to bring enough motivation and the usa profits through the knowledge china got. i can imagin a wonderful symbose. while russia have only to plug the cable into. i do see lots of impressive places in russia.

like the rest of the world profits through. we all can get what we really want. and this makes it only possible that china and the usa starts a economy challenge.

there could be huge things produced!!!

definitive for trump!

and i can sell quiet well to boths.

it will only about the light.

the mass of smurfs was perfect they was flatten the ways. this is how i am going to use the smurfs. thats the answer if someone is trying to use me. i am master in kungfu! :-)

wonderful smurfs would be to dangerous in this challenge. thats why they can be accepted inside this challenge. if, it would lead to a atomic war.

the other way with a world leadership would lead directly into the fire.

strange all my enemies are gone, on this way or the other way.

seems the smurfs had put them out by itself from this challenge.

as long they are in challenge nobody has to fear a one instanced world order.

not also that china wouldnt accept a western country, the most dangerous thing is for sure, if a world leadership exist and if it breaks, what it would and not only by the reason that china exists, everything inside would break. and this would remind alot onto the dark ages.

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